Municipalities and cities

CHAMBERY Métropole (France)
Photographic project on the transportation system for the Urban Development Plan

“The West End” : Work carried out in collaboration with a multidisciplinary team (sociologists, urban designers, landscape architects) within the framework of a city project entitled Pic Urban. Participation in the analysis phase of the neighbourhood before its restructuring. Photo workshop with the inhabitants followed by various exhibits and publications
“Crossroads” : an exhibition featuring a personal creative project concerning this neighbourhood
“Children in space” : an audio-visual work for a French symposium on young children featuring artistic photographs of 3-year old children in an educational environment

EYBENS (France)
“À travers l’estuaire” : A project carried out in collaboration with the pOnt artists’ collective (including a composer, a writer, a lighting engineer, a video artist, musicians and actors) concerning the creation of an inaugural performance for the Auditorium of the City of Eybens, with the participation of 700 inhabitants. Creation of a photographic decor in the form of projects

“Regards d’en Face” : a project carried out in collaboration with the arpenteurs (sociologists, urban designers, architects) on the Petite Synthe neighbourhood with the creation of a Forum for the local inhabitants. Coordination of projects involving the inhabitants using photography, giving rise to exhibitions and projections
“Cadres de vies” : a personal creative project on this neighbourhood, exhibited in the form of an installation on the site of the public Forum

“Économie sociale et solidaire” : a creative photographic project on the social economy and solidarity, and the design of an exhibition
“Métiers” : an exhibition and publication based on photographic work covering the opening of a social services centre aimed at helping people return to employment

“Imagemo” : a photographic exhibition presented at various public locations in a neighbourhood in collaboration with BazarUrbain. Part of the “Art des Lieux” festival

“Miroirs imaginaires”, “Paysages intérieurs”, “Place d’un jour” : three commissioned works for the Centre Culturel Théo Argence involving projects presented in public sites and involving local inhabitants, artists, photographs and actors. Collaboration with Ensemble Noao

“Appartement(s)… témoin(s)” : in situ exhibition focused on conserving the past of a neighbourhood while moving into the future within the framework of a low-income housing renovation project


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