The exhibition was adapted to the context, taking the form of giant books offering the spectator a direct tactile contact with the subject matter.
Cardboard stands with individual lighting.
Project commissioned for Arjo Wiggins Rives, a paper manufacturer
In a project conducted for Arjo Wiggins Rives, a paper manufacturer, I highlighted the transformation of matter as well as the know-how and gestures of the men and women who work in this industry.
Rives / 1997
The “Mois du Graphisme” graphic arts exhibition in Échirolles / 1998
Palais de la découverte in Paris / 1999
Musée dauphinois in Grenoble / 2005
“Papier sensible” – Arjo Wiggins / 1999
“Papetiers des Alpes”
Musée dauphinois / 2005
ISBN 2-85924 018-7
Art library of Grenoble
Institute de Arte – Belèm (Brazil)